Residents Association Vision StatementParemata Village – where community and environment are in harmony, protecting the best of what we have and embracing the best of what’s new. |
Executive Committee 2024/25The Paremata Residents Association Executive Committee manages the affairs of the Association on behalf of the residents and ratepayers in the Association's area. Committee members elected at the 2024 AGM on 29th August and officers appointed at the Executive Committee Meeting on 12th September are shown below. The 2024/25 committee is as follows: Tony Shaw , Russell Morrison, Frank Moes, Ian Barlow, Mark Morrison, Luke Waghorn, Judi Jones, John Nichols, Andy Mallard, John Chester and Brett Jones Office holders for 2024/25 are: President Tony Shaw Vice President Judi Jones Secretary Frank Moes Treasurer Luke Waghorn If you wish to contact the Committee about any matter concerning the Association, click here (Contact Us). |
Neighbourly WebsiteAnother Web site which could have good relevance in our Village is Neighbourly, a safe and secure community-oriented place to share information, place ads, make friends, and so on. Click here for more information. |