Papakowhai Shared Path - Update 11 October 2024

We are on the home stretch to finish this work and expect to be completed within the next couple of weeks.  There are just a few minor finishing touches to be made.

Work at the off-ramp/slip lane from Mana Esplanade into SH 58/Paremata Rd:

  • Work is largely completed except for some markings on the footpath and the installation of a new state highway sign. This should be completed next week.

Romesdale Rd & Brora Cres pedestrian crossing lights:

  • Due to feedback from residents regarding unexpected light glare, we will be replacing the flashing light bulbs at these two crossings with large reflective discs over the next week or so.

Replacement of the Police College intersection street light poles:

  • The full hight light poles are being installed and should be operational by the end of next week

 Pedestrian crossing at the southern Aotea Lagoon car park:

  • The pedestrian lights will be installed early next week, and this crossing will then be open for use.

 Tweed Rd pedestrian crossing:

  • There have been some issues with the harshness of the departing ramp as you head up Tweed Rd. We are looking to resolve this by altering the gradient. This particular piece of work may take place later in October.

 Installation of picnic tables and park bench:

  • To encourage families to make the most of getting out and about we are installing:

    • a park bench at Pā Harakeke Park by the bottom of Langwell Pl
    • a picnic table under the macrocarpa tree by Bowlers Wharf wetland (between the bottom of Langwell Pl and Romesdale Rd)
    • a picnic table by the pump track in Aotea Lagoon.

Want to know more?

Let us know if you have any questions.

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The project team

Papakōwhai Shared Path Update 6 September 24

Work continues to progress well as we near the end of the Papakōwhai shared path project, work that’s fully funded by the Government’s Transport Choices fund. The wet weather has caused a few delays to road surfacing and line markings, but we are still on track to be finished in October.

Road and lane closure update

  • Road closure at the Brora Cres intersection (4-6 September)
  • Brora Cres intersection will be fully closed (from 7am-6pm and reopened overnight) this week while we resurface the road. All going well this will be completed today (Friday 6 September). Detours are in place and residents’ access will be maintained.

Possible closure of off-ramp/slip lane from Mana Esplanade into SH 58/Paremata Rd

  • Council staff continue to work with the Wellington Transport Alliance on the best way to manage traffic during this work and the start date. This is the northernmost part of the shared path project and work involves improving pedestrian and cyclist access and safety by installing new kerbs, resurfacing the path, and installing delineation sticks (hit sticks) to prevent parking in this area.

Shared path tie-in to Whitford Brown Ave intersection

Please note that the Papakōwhai shared path ends at the raised pedestrian crossing at the southern Aotea Lagoon carpark. The tie-in to widen the rest of the path down towards the Whitford Brown Ave intersection is planned for the Whitford Brown Ave/Papakōwhai Rd intersection improvements project which, subject to funding, is planned for 2025/26.

Project update

Between Whitford Brown Ave and Tweed Rd

Work at the Police College entranced is completed apart from repainting the street light poles to plain ones at the raised table.

At Tweed Rd we will be finishing the landscaping work behind the path this week with line markings on the road to do when we get good/dry weather.

The raised pedestrian crossing at the northern Aotea Lagoon carpark is completed with some topsoiling behind the path to be done. The raised pedestrian crossing at the southern lagoon carpark will be completed early next week along with some final paving on the shared path across from the lagoon.

Brora Cres to the southern railway pedestrian overbridge

Work in this section is completed apart from some topsoiling behind the new shared path and some fencing at the pedestrian overbridge.

Want to know more?

Let us know if you have any questions.

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Papakowhai Shared Path Project - Update 11 July 24

This is the latest update on the Papakōwhai shared path work which is fully funded by the Government’s Transport Choices fund (led by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency).

Road & lane closures for Papakōwhai shared path work from Monday 15 July

We’re continuing to make good progress constructing the new shared path along Papakōwhai Rd to connect up schools, parks and public transport.

Over the past couple of months, we have relocated and turned the streetlights back on, asphalted and completed large sections of the shared path, and are nearing completion of work at the Brora Cres and Tweed Rd intersections. We continue working towards an October 2024 completion date.

So, what’s next?

Work between Brora Cres and the southern railway pedestrian overbridge 15 July to mid-September. Work will include the construction of the shared path, as well as a watermain replacement by Wellington Water. This section of Papakōwhai Rd is extremely narrow so requires a full road closure for most of the work and a lane closure for the rest so we can safely complete this work. Details of the traffic management are:

  • Full road closure from Brora Cres to Paremata Drive (15 July to mid-August). Access will remain open for residents, and everyone else will be detoured on SH59 or via Brora Cres and Kiriwai Rd. We strongly recommend using the SH59 detour if possible.
  • Lane closure stop/go from 15 August to mid-September.

No parking for vehicles by the southern pedestrian overbridge during this work.

During these closures there will be no on-street parking at the overbridge. Please use the park and ride facility off SH59 or make alternative arrangements.

On-street parking once the work is completed will be moved back approximately 80 metres from the overbridge. This allows enough room for the narrowed road, widened shared path and the raised pedestrian crossing. Moving this parking ensures there is enough width for all users and provides the required visibility to the crossing.

 Want to know more?

Let us know if you have any questions.

For further information about the project visit

Papakowhai Shared Path - Update May 2024

 The southern Aotea Lagoon carpark will be closed tomorrow morning (Thursday 30 May) while a Norfolk Island pine tree is removed.

This is to allow realignment of the carpark exit making it safer for pedestrians to use the new raised pedestrian crossing being installed as part of the Papakōwhai Shared Path project.

The coffee cart will be moving back to its original location further north, but still outside of the Lagoon.

The shared path project is planned for completion in October and is fully funded from the Transport Choices programme administered by Waka Kotahi, NZTA. 

Want to know more?

For further information about the project visit

Papakowhai Shared Path Update Nov 2023

Work is about to start on the new shared cycleway and pedestrian footpath along Papakowhai Road from Whitford Brown intersection to the Paremata Station southern footbridge. The details are contained in the letter below from Porirua City Council.

Stage 2 Paremata wastewater upgrades - Investigations

Wellington Water has issued a letter regarding planned investigations into wastewater pipe replacement along Paremata Crescent and Papakowhai Road and replacement of 4km of  wastewater pipe along SH59 to the wastewater holding tank, currently being constructed. The letter can be accessed at the bottom of this article. More detail can be obtained from the Wellington Water web link: .

The Paremata Residents Association welcomes the upgrading of wastewater pipe south of Paremata Bridge, which is expected to improve wastewater flows south of the bridge. That should help relieve congestion that is occurring north of the bridge, improving flow and reducing sewer smells currently affecting too many residents along Mana Esplanade.

However it is unlikely to prevent manhole discharges during very wet weather and the resulting pollution of our inlet.  That will not improve until the sewer system along Mana Esplanade is upgraded. Disappointingly, that is not planned until after 2030. In the meantime these overflows could be reduced by stormwater and groundwater inflow and infiltration (I & I) investigations and prevention.

The Paremata Residents Association will continue to lobby the Council to upgrade the sewer main along Mana Esplanade sooner, and Wellington Water to carry out I & I investigations.

Papakōwhai Shared Path Update - 20 September 2024

Work on the shared path is progressing well and despite the continued wet weather, which has slowed things down a bit, we are still on track to be finished in October.

Closure of off-ramp/slip lane from Mana Esplanade into SH 58/Paremata Rd (10am-3pm)

  • This closure was put in place last week and is operational between the hours of 10am and 3pm. This is allowing us to work on improving pedestrian and cyclist safety through the installation of new kerbs, resurfacing the path, and installing delineation sticks (hit sticks) to prevent parking in this area. Due to wet weather the work is now due to be completed by Friday 27 September.
  • As part of this closure a pedestrian detour plan is in place for those wanting to access the path under the rail bridge. Work on this part of the path is happening this week and should only take half a day.

Between Whitford Brown Ave and Tweed Rd

  • Work in this section is largely completed with a few finishing touches to be finished off including the replacement of the street light poles at the Police College intersection.
  • The pedestrian crossing at the northern Aotea Lagoon carpark is completed. The pedestrian crossing at the southern lagoon carpark is completed apart from the installation of lighting at the crossing – this is likely to happen in the next couple of weeks.

Brora Cres to the southern railway pedestrian overbridge

  • Work in this section is mostly completed with some final touches remaining, including finishing line markings on the road, lighting tweaks, and a couple of fence repairs.

Planting on Papakōwhai Road berms

Planting has started on the berms alongside Papakōwhai Road, including near 38 - 42 Papakōwhai Road and the berm below 21 Langwell Place / Bowler's Wharf Lane. The planting will improve the biodiversity in the area and is fully funded as part of the shared path improvement project (which is fully funded by government).
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